"The Biennial is a trip to discover new worlds and also to be discovered and seduced by new movements, lenguages and imaginaries to think about dancing as a way to express our emotions" says Amparo Sinisterra de Carvajar, president of the 2nd Biennial.
This is the Pacific festival, in which the most importat thing is to highlight the gastronomy, the folk music and the traditions of this region in Valle del Cauca. It is an awesome experience for the locals and of course for the visitors who want to dive into this culture.
This is one of the most important and traditional festivals in Colombia. In which the favorite attractions are the "Salsódromo", the "Cali viejo" carnival, the antique cars parade, the "Melómanos" meeting, the "Superconcierto" a really nice musical show, between other shows ans events.
This is one of the most importat fashion, beauty and health events in Colombia, in which the innovative ideas of the designers and business people are shown to the public and the esthetic lovers.
El Sancocho, is the emblematic dish of the municipality of Ginebra. This is thanks to the inhabitants’ trips to their farms and they offered this wonderful dish cooked in firewood and with hens farmed in their family place. This allowed El Sancocho to become the flag of the region and of the Valle department. This tradition is honored by every Caleño (native from Cali) who travels to Ginebra to enjoy these delicious sancochos.
Even though El Sancocho is a representative Colombian dish, the one made in Ginebra has fame and prestige thanks to its delightful taste and wonderful care that the owners of all the restaurants that fill the path with provocative smells and delicious tastes have given. Families of different municipalities travel to this place in order to taste the best Sancochos every weekend.
Some of the most renowned restaurants are: Viejo Juancho, El Jordan, Los Guaduales, Albania, Naranjales, Siga a la vaca, and more.
How to get there…
To get to the municipality of Ginebra from the ground transportation of Cali, the bus route from the company Codetrans Palmira is taken going through the highway Rozo. The trip lasts one hour and a half and costs $4.800 Colombian pesos ($1.60).
Once in Ginebra, you will find a delicious restaurant every 300 meters (984 feet). Every restaurant offers a wonderful service including a warm family environment. Ginebra is known for being a culinary destination. El Sancocho de Gallina represents the traditions.
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