Dagua, where the love blooms up.
Spread the word: the love blooms there. And it is for this reason that Dagua is best known for being the land of the pineapple (the sweet fruit that makes people fall in love) and the "queréme", a millenary plant that hundreds of years ago was used by the indigenous people of the area for different purposes, among them, its enigmatic and popular power of falling in love.
Its mountains, rivers and waterfalls seduce visitors in the hot afternoons, but especially on Sundays and holidays. Adults and children embark on big tires to conquer the current of their rivers and to enjoy the tranquility of their puddles.
Dagua is the perfect place to enjoy the golden fruit (the pineapple) in the form of a dessert, ice cream, little cubes or in its harmonious natural packaging. But also, it is a natural paradise, perfect for adventurers who want to explore the surprises of the Andes’ Western Mountain Range. Going to Dagua is so easy: it is a must for those who travel between Cali, the capital of the department and Buenaventura, the seaport.
"The Biennial is a trip to discover new worlds and also to be discovered and seduced by new movements, lenguages and imaginaries to think about dancing as a way to express our emotions" says Amparo Sinisterra de Carvajar, president of the 2nd Biennial.
This is the Pacific festival, in which the most importat thing is to highlight the gastronomy, the folk music and the traditions of this region in Valle del Cauca. It is an awesome experience for the locals and of course for the visitors who want to dive into this culture.
This is one of the most important and traditional festivals in Colombia. In which the favorite attractions are the "Salsódromo", the "Cali viejo" carnival, the antique cars parade, the "Melómanos" meeting, the "Superconcierto" a really nice musical show, between other shows ans events.
This is one of the most importat fashion, beauty and health events in Colombia, in which the innovative ideas of the designers and business people are shown to the public and the esthetic lovers.
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