Far away from the sugar plantations, where the plains lose their name, asleep in the middle of a sepulchral silence lies the ‘Parque Nacional Natural Las Hermosas’ (The Beauties National Natural Park), one of the country’s 58 protected areas. Located between the departments of Tolima and Valle (rural area of Buga, El Cerrito, Pradera, Palmira and Tuluá), this sanctuary is home to a large variety of fauna and flora. ‘Las Hermosas’ is a unique ecosystem, composed mostly of dry and misty forests. However, same way it happens with cakes, the cherry is at the top, 4500 meters above sea level and at temperatures below zero. The Páramo (a type of ecosystem), sheltered by the frailejones (A type of tree-like plant that is only found in the Páramo), their tireless soldiers, use mist to display a mystical environment out of a Grimms Brother’s tale.
The stage, literally, seems like an act of magic. Its more than 350 lagoons, remember the classic trick of mirrors, causing those who visit get lost in the greatness and majesty of the colossus of the mountain. It is a worthy place only for those who appreciate nature’s perfection. Here come scientists, tourists, fans of camping and sports to get a story like those that grandparents tell the little ones. The easiest way to get to this piece of heaven is from Buga, where you will have to board vehicles that travel to the rural areas adjacent to the Páramo.
For more information visit: http://www.parquesnacionales.gov.co/portal/es/parques-nacionales/parque-nacional-natural-las-hermosas/
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