"The Biennial is a trip to discover new worlds and also to be discovered and seduced by new movements, lenguages and imaginaries to think about dancing as a way to express our emotions" says Amparo Sinisterra de Carvajar, president of the 2nd Biennial.
This is the Pacific festival, in which the most importat thing is to highlight the gastronomy, the folk music and the traditions of this region in Valle del Cauca. It is an awesome experience for the locals and of course for the visitors who want to dive into this culture.
This is one of the most important and traditional festivals in Colombia. In which the favorite attractions are the "Salsódromo", the "Cali viejo" carnival, the antique cars parade, the "Melómanos" meeting, the "Superconcierto" a really nice musical show, between other shows ans events.
This is one of the most importat fashion, beauty and health events in Colombia, in which the innovative ideas of the designers and business people are shown to the public and the esthetic lovers.
Nearly 500 kilometers from the coast of Buenaventura, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, is the ‘Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo’ (Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Malpelo). Getting there is not easy, because flights are reserved for government officials and the armed forces, so the only option is by sea. When arriving at Malpelo, the only thing to be appreciated is a canvas in which the deep blue of the sea contrasts with the light blue of the sky and the brushstrokes of white given by clouds. The eternal blue is only interrupted by a giant rock that rises right in between the mysterious waters of the Pacific. That is Malpelo, an island of pure volcanic stone in which only a few birds and small reptile species survive. So far, it seems that the five day trip by boat is not worth it.
However, the greatness of Malpelo does not lie in a rock. Appreciated by the most experienced divers around the globe, this area is a yet to be discovered world. Under the appeased sea, lies a maritime universe that is unparalleled: whale sharks swim stealthily, as if nothing bothers them and time was free. Beside them, beautiful choreographies of schools of fish that artistically dodge the teeth of hammerhead sharks are observed. To immerse yourselves in these waters is to understand how small we are in this world, while the stingrays fly above your head.
For more information visit: http://www.parquesnacionales.gov.co/portal/es/ecoturismo/region-pacifico/santuario-de-flora-y-fauna-malpelo/ or http://www.fundacionmalpelo.org/index.php/es/
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