El Cerrito, a place where the idyll is in the air
El Cerrito is known as an area of extensive sugarcane and grape crops. However, it is "María", the amazing and world-read novel, written by Jorge Isaacs, the one that has made of this town a paradise that all tourists want to visit.
And it is precisely this ranch, "El Paraíso", which welcomes approximately 500 visitors a day in high season. There, the secrets of the forbidden love between Efraín and María are hidden. And also, all the relics of the 18th century that are kept in the house.
Other attractions that El Cerrito has are ‘El Museo de la Caña de Azúcar’ (The Sugar Cane Museum), the ‘Don Policarpo’ wine cellars and the ‘Maloka de los Vientos’, where different extreme sports can be performed. Additionally, the great gastronomy of this town satisfies the palates of all those who try them. El Cerrito is synonymous with ‘sancocho de gallina’ (colombian chicken and vegetable soup), a kind of wafers called ‘obleas’, banana toast and the famous ‘Panderitos Kist’.
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