Our ancestors used rafts for years to move around and navigate through the country’s different rivers. Today, this alternative is still within our reach as a way to have fun. The ‘Balsaje Puerto Samaria’ (Santa María Raft Port), located on the ‘Río Cauca’ (Cauca River) close to the town of Obando, allows visitors to experience different sensations when rafting or canoeing with family and friends.
Touring the Río Cauca on a raft is one of the most captivating trips you can take on this guadua (type of plant similar to bamboo but thicker) transport mean. While in the river, you can feats with a ‘fiambre’ (a typical dish consisting of rice, and meat wrapped in banana leaves) surrounded by a natural and exotic environment. Going through the rivers in an traditional way, gives visitors a closer look at Colombia’s roots and culture.
How to get there?
You can jump on a Jeep Willys from Obando on the way to Puerto Samario. Later, take the raft in the Río Cauca.
For more information visit: http://www.obando-valle.gov.co/turismo.shtml
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