"The Biennial is a trip to discover new worlds and also to be discovered and seduced by new movements, lenguages and imaginaries to think about dancing as a way to express our emotions" says Amparo Sinisterra de Carvajar, president of the 2nd Biennial.
This is the Pacific festival, in which the most importat thing is to highlight the gastronomy, the folk music and the traditions of this region in Valle del Cauca. It is an awesome experience for the locals and of course for the visitors who want to dive into this culture.
This is one of the most important and traditional festivals in Colombia. In which the favorite attractions are the "Salsódromo", the "Cali viejo" carnival, the antique cars parade, the "Melómanos" meeting, the "Superconcierto" a really nice musical show, between other shows ans events.
This is one of the most importat fashion, beauty and health events in Colombia, in which the innovative ideas of the designers and business people are shown to the public and the esthetic lovers.
Mulaló is a village of Yumbo municipality, founded in 1910. The Mulaló Museum is located there. One of the most important reasons that prompted the creation of this place was the Simón Bolívar lodging in the Mulaló Hacienda in the 20th century.
In this place the culture and history of a black community that inhabited this region is shown all together. The main objective of the museum is to strengthen the identity through the histories and manners of the community through the reconstruction of memories from the past, which pretend to be agents of change and social transformation.
Knowledge about the ancestral roots of this beautiful region is a valuable tool that guides new generations in the process of recognition and self-determination. In this magnificent place that has been built collectively by the community, the quality of life of its inhabitants has been improved since it is a source of inspiration and progress.
This museum houses a quite elaborate and diverse exhibition. You can find archaeological collections, historical collections and multiple cultural manifestations of this multiracial region. Also, the museum offers guided tours, documentation centers, seminars and a beautiful store full of memories, which you can buy at the end of the tour through this beautiful village.
How to get there?
Mulaló is halfway between the municipalities of Yumbo and Vijes. By bus, the transport company Transyumbo will take you to the Panamerican highway at the point where you have to get in Mulaló, which you can do walking or by taxi.
Service times: Monday to Friday from 8am to 12pm - 2pm to 5pm - Sundays and Holidays from 12:30pm to 6pm
For more information, please see: http://museomulalo.over-blog.es/
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